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tellthem™ - local gov

Instant data to contact, inform and lobby local government

Targeting local councillors and officers?

With our tellthem™ – local gov feature, you get immediate access to the contact details of government officials. Save days of research and precisely map your campaigns to the people who matter.

Once you have completed the form, your account manager or another member of the team will be in touch to demo the product for you or get you started for as little as £99 per month.

Why use tellthem™ - local gov?

  • No manual research - gather addresses, emails and more in seconds with best-in-class data
  • Data down to parish level - find and download contact details for officials at all levels, including all ward councillors and parish clerks
  • Real-time information - database updated nightly for accurate, up-to-the-minute details
  • GDPR-compliant - all data is collected in line with data protection regulations
  • Low-cost solution - available for as little as £99 per month


You can now access a downloadable list of all Members of Parliament, Lords, Members of Scottish Parliament, Members of the Welsh Assembly and Members of the Northern Ireland Legislative Assembly.

We have even more useful features going live soon, so keep an eye out for more information about those.